EAM Naming conventions for interfaces
The other day we were discussing naming conventions for modelling interfaces in our Enterprise Architecture tool. There is the general question of a naming convention
The other day we were discussing naming conventions for modelling interfaces in our Enterprise Architecture tool. There is the general question of a naming convention
In der Industrie führte die Implementierung von Lean Management und verwandten Methoden wie Six Sigma, Kaizen oder TPM zu einer signifikanten Steigerung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in
Ein mittelständisches Unternehmen der Entsorgungsindustrie betreibt seit ca. 10 Jahren ein SAP-System mit der Industry-Solution Waste & Recycling. Seit geraumer Zeit häufen sich Beschwerden von
Die traditionelle IT sieht sich großen Herausforderungen gegenüber, weil neue Geschäftsmodelle, Cloud-Technologien und die „4.0“ Welle andere Arbeitsweisen erfordern. Hier eine kurze tabellarische Zusammenfassung.
How do you communicate changes in your business processes, application landscape or IT infrastructure to senior management and other stakeholders? I advocate ArchiMate as a
In a recent article I explained how to identify, analyse and communicate to project stakeholders. This topic clearly has a political touch and according to
Who is who in your client´s organization? How strong is their influence on your project? And what is their intention? Important questions – a lot
Enter the accounts payable department: „We have to process about 300 incoming supplier credit memos per month. Some get lost or are processed twice because
The cool thing with compliance projects is… They are actually very well suited for applying and training the MECE problem solving approach. A lot you